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BTEC Information Technology

Information Technology BTEC

Information Technology BTEC

Extended Certificate

Exam board: Edexcel

Why study this subject:

The Information Technology BTEC Level 3 course is designed for students who are interested in an introduction to the study of creating IT systems to manage and share information, alongside other fields of study. The course supports progression to a wide range of higher education courses but not necessarily in IT.


Unit 1: Information Technology Systems. Students study the role of computer systems and the implications of their use in personal and professional situations.

Unit 2: Creating systems to manage Information. Students study the design, creation, testing and evaluation of a relational database system to manage information.

Unit 3: Using Social Media in Business. Students explore how businesses use social media to promote their products and services. They also implement social media activities in a business to meet requirements.

Unit 5: Data Modelling. Students study how data modelling can be used to solve problems. They design and implement a data model to meet client requirements.

How will I be assessed: 

Unit 1: A two hour exam marked externally.

Unit 2: A task set and marked by the examination board and completed under supervised conditions.  It is a ten hour assessment period and is arranged over a number of sessions in a period of time which is allocated by the examination board.

Unit 3: Internally assessed coursework.

Unit 5: Internally assessed coursework.

Future course and possible careers:

The Information Technology BTEC Level 3 qualification supports entry to most courses at degree level, as well as careers in the IT employment sector such as technical support and database development and other careers in the public sector, such as teaching.