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Class of 1990 - 1999


Joanna Whelan

Year leaving Blackfen Sixth Form: 1993

Subjects I studied at Blackfen Sixth Form: Childcare, Information, Design &Technology and Home Economics.

What have you achieved since leaving Blackfen Sixth Form?: I have been working in childcare for the last 24 years. I achieved my degree in management and I am a nursery manager in an independent nursery which I love!

What are your fondest memories of Blackfen Sixth Form?: I used to love science with Mr Briggs, and I remember my form tutor -  Madame Stuart, telling me off one day because my bow in my hair was too big, I think one of the words she used was ‘ridiculous!’
- June 2019


Leanne Tubbs

Year leaving Blackfen Sixth Form: 1996

Subjects I studied at Blackfen Sixth Form: Health and Social Care.

What have you achieved since leaving Blackfen Sixth Form?: Health and Social Care trainer,  Deputy manager for dementia care home and Dementia support manager for Alzheimer’s Society Bexley And Greenwich.
- June 2019


Lisa Kemp

Year leaving Blackfen School: 1999

Subjects I studied at Blackfen School: For GCSE I studied History, Business Studies and Food Technology as well as the mandatory classes.

What have you achieved since leaving Blackfen School?: Since Blackfen, I spent 5 years working in the Solicitors office of HMRC, moved to work in Business Continuity at Barclays for 12 year and assisted in moving them from a Business Continuity Programme to Business Resilience. For the last 2 years I have been Business Resilience Lead at Direct Line Group, implementing new standards and processes to align to enhanced regulatory requirements.

What are your fondest memories of Blackfen School?: When I think back to my time at Blackfen I always remember the great friends I made and the wonderful teachers. Mr WD for History and Mr Morrell for Biology particularly. The teachers employed by Blackfen really cared and made learning fun. I really wouldn't be where I am had it not been for them.

Blackfen left a lasting impression with me and this resulted in my eldest daughter starting Blackfen in 2017 and my youngest is due to start September 2019.
- June 2019


Tracy Wallis

Year leaving Blackfen School: 1990

Subjects I studied at Blackfen School: Modular science, History, Art, Business studies, Life skills, Typing & Shorthand.

What have you achieved since leaving Blackfen School?: I’ve been working as a PA since leaving school. Raised 2 x daughters single-handed and remain living in Sidcup. Both my daughters attended Blacken also.

What are your fondest memories of Blackfen School?: My friends. My best friend from school is still my best friend and godmother to my children. It’s been fun going back to school as a parent and seeing how it’s changed.
- March 2020


Rachel Johnson

Year leaving Blackfen School: 1996

Subjects I studied Blackfen School: GCSE English Lit, English Lang, Maths, Geography, Religious Studies, French, Food Tech, Double Science
NVQ business admin, typing, word processing and shorthand

What have you achieved since leaving Blackfen School?: Married with 3 teenagers. Lots of jobs in HR, Prosecutor for DVLA and currently a Fire Safety Engagement Officer studying at University for a BSc in Surveying after completing a HNC in Construction last year.

What are your fondest memories of Blackfen School?: Friends and the confidence that was instilled in us that women can do anything.
- March 2020


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