Emergency Closure Arrangements:
In the event of the school having to close early due to bad weather etc, all sixth form students will be SENT HOME.
Parent / Carer’s / Student Undertaking:
In accepting the place offered to my child (named above) at Blackfen School, I and student undertake to abide by the school rules in respect of attendance, behaviour, dress code, photo consent, home & school study, Internet rules and Internet permission and discipline and have read and agreed to the Sixth Form Contract located on the School website under the sixth form tab/Year 12 Pre Admissions. Consent to Communication Sent Home via SIMs In Touch: I (Parent/Carer) consent to my contact details to be used for Sims In Touch communications. Internet Permission: I (student) agree to comply with the school’s Acceptable User Policy. I will use the network in a responsible way and observe all the restrictions explained to me by the school. I (Parent/Carer) of the student have read the school’s ‘Student Rules for Internet Use’ and I grant permission for my child to use the Internet outside of lessons for individual research. I understand that they will be held accountable for their own actions. I also understand that some materials on the Internet may be objectionable and I accept responsibility for setting standards for my child to follow when selecting, sharing and exploring information and media. Data Protection: I (Parent/Carer) confirm that I have read the Privacy Notice. Medical form for School Trips (local visits, day visits, evening and sporting activities): I (Parent/Carer) confirm that I have read and understood the medical notice for School trips.
I accept that it is my responsibility to keep the school informed of any changes to the information provided upon admission to the school.