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Employer Engagement

Employer Engagement

What is the motivation for your business to engage with schools?

Employers are key to helping young people understand the options open to them.  As part of our careers provision at Blackfen School for Girls, we are keen to work with employers to support our students in preparation for future careers employment and to: 

Develop young people’s futures:

 • generic work skills, attitudes and behaviours

• specific skills such as STEM

 • broaden career horizons

 Improve workforce diversity and social mobility:

 • increase diversity within specific sectors or occupations

 • improve educational and employment prospects for disadvantaged pupils

 • build a network through which to identify and recruit your future talent

Support employee development and engagement:

• personal and professional development

 • increase employee engagement by giving back to the community

 Embed corporate social responsibility priorities:

 • contribute to communities

 • create sustainable business

 • embed employer brand and company reputation


There are many ways employers can support us.  Below are just a few of the ways you could help:

  • Attending our Annual Careers Fair
  • Offering talks to students interested in a particular sector or area of industry
  • Delivering an assembly to students in a particular sector or area of industry to inform students about the world of work
  • Offering interview experience
  • Offering work experience
  • Linking with a relevant Head of Subject in school and allowing visits to the workplace for a class, where it links with a topic being studied, or coming in to speak to a class to bring real world context to a particular topic
  • Helping to build our students' knowledge of employability skills and the workplace 

If you are an employer and would like to support us in any of the above or in other ways, please email Kellie Smith, Careers Lead at

For further reading on the benefits of employer engagement, please review the link below: