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GCSE Mathematics

Curriculum overview for GCSE Mathematics

Curriculum intent – the knowledge, understanding and skills that students will learn
The general knowledge, skills and understanding that students will learn during the GCSE Mathematics course will build on Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 3 topics and learning in Mathematics. Students will learn how to answer problem solving questions which inter-link the six elements of the GCSE qualification: number, Algebra, Ratio/proportion, geometry, probability and statistics. Students will also explore new topics such as quadratic equations, trigonometry ratios and proof, and will continue to deepen their understanding of these concepts should they continue their studies into A Level Mathematics.

Curriculum implementation – teaching, learning and assessment strategies
The formative and summative assessments that take place during the GCSE Mathematics course are based on a mix of the topics taught during each half term and conclude with an end of half term assessment which is cumulative, thereby including all of the topics taught thus far in the course. This allows teachers to adjust their planning and include previously taught topics into their current teaching content. GCSE Mathematics topics are sequenced as ‘building blocks’. They are carefully planned to build on prior learning in previous topics, for example, students learn how to solve equations before they move on to solving inequalities and graphing linear and quadratic equations.

Curriculum impact – intended outcomes for students 
The intended outcome of this qualification is to enable students to develop fluent knowledge, skills and understanding of mathematical methods and concepts. They will learn how to acquire, select and apply mathematical techniques to solve problems; use reason mathematically; make deductions and inferences, and draw conclusions. By the end of the GCSE course, students will be able to comprehend, interpret and communicate mathematical information in a variety of forms appropriate to the information and context. 

Course overview for GCSE Mathematics

Exam board: EDXECEL
No course work 

Paper 1: Non-Calculator     
Paper 2: Calculator                 
Paper 3: Calculator