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A Level Mathematics

Curriculum overview for A Level Mathematics

Curriculum intent – the knowledge, understanding and skills that students will learn
The knowledge, understanding and skills that students learn during the A Level Mathematics course will build upon topics and learning in GCSE Mathematics. Students will study both Pure Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, which is comprised of Statistics and Mechanics. In Pure Mathematics, students will develop their understanding of topics covered in GCSE Mathematics including: algebra, functions, coordinate geometry, proof, sequences, vectors and trigonometry. Students will also explore new Pure Mathematics topics: exponentials and logarithms, differentiation, integration and numerical methods. Students will learn how to answer problems which combine knowledge of these different areas of Mathematics, with a focus on mathematical modelling and real-life applications. In Statistics, students will build upon prior knowledge of statistics and data handling from the GCSE course. They will be introduced to statistical distributions and statistical hypothesis testing and deepen their understanding of probability. In Mechanics, students will explore kinematics, forces, Newton’s laws and moments – most of which will be new concepts for students. 

Curriculum implementation – teaching, learning and assessment strategies
The summative assessments that take place during the A Level mathematics course are cumulative, which means they will be based on the topics taught since the beginning of the course, with a focus on recent topics. Students will either be assessed on Pure Mathematics, Statistics or Mechanics in each assessment. Formative assessment will be embedded during each lesson which will allow teachers to adapt planning to respond to misconceptions that arise and ensure students are being appropriately challenged. Timed exam questions will be used frequently during lessons to help prepare students for the demands of public examinations. Mathematics topics in all three elements of the course are ‘building blocks’ which are strategically sequenced to build on prior learning in previous topics. 

Curriculum impact – intended outcomes for students 
The intended outcome of this qualification is to enable students to extend their range of mathematical skills and techniques and recognise when mathematics can be used to analyse and solve a problem in context. Students will be able to use mathematical knowledge to make logical and reasoned decisions when solving problems, interpret solutions and communicate their interpretation effectively in the context of the problem. Students will acquire insight into how different areas of mathematics are connected and use technology such as calculators and computers effectively. Throughout the course students will develop the ability to construct mathematical proofs, reason logically and recognise incorrect reasoning. They will learn how to draw diagrams and sketch graphs to help explore mathematical situations and interpret solutions. By the end of the A Level Mathematics course, students will understand mathematics and mathematical processes in a way that provides a strong foundation for progress to further study and they will be able to apply mathematics in other fields of study. 

Course overview for A Level Mathematics
Exam board: Edexcel
Coursework: N/A

Paper 1: Pure Mathematics Paper 1            

Paper 2: Pure Mathematics Paper 2                

Paper 3: Statistics and Mechanics                 
Section A: Statistics
Section B: Mechanics